Sunday, February 23, 2025

Long Time No Posting!

 I have really neglected this Blog! It isn't from the lack of doing things. Patty Debra and I went to Fredericksburg Texas Sept 2024 to Two Stars in Texas Camp, and had the most wonderful time! We all three took a class from Cynthia Norwood. It was her last time teaching and I feel so honored to have finally gotten to take a class from her.

Debra was in her element, being back in Texas and she had been to Fredericksburg many times. What an amazing town! Many of the women at the Camp were old friends of Debra's and they were so happy to see her. I even got to meet one of my favorite Rug Designers, Susan Quicksall. It was like meeting royalty. She is just as nice as she is beautiful. 

After the week in Fredericksburg we stayed a day in San Antonio. Another amazing town! We walked to the Alamo and ate dinner on the River Walk. 

We spent time in Thermopolis at the Wool and Sheep Festival. It was 100 degrees that day, which is just to hot for this old lady. It was a lot of fun, however. 

Laurie Lawson's Camp was in August and it was Spectacular! I didn't get hardly any photos except of the throw down at the end. She had a lot of wool both hand dyed and natural dyed, and all of her patterns. I was so impressed with Laurie as a teacher that I am taking her in August 2025 at Prairie Rose in North Dakota. I'm pretty sure Debra and Patty are too.

Our May Hook-In was so much fun. My trouble is that I'm having so much fun, I forget to take pictures. The only pictures I have are of my wool for sale. 

I'm going to try to be better in 2025. We have so much coming up to be grateful for. Our Hook-In in May is growing, Keith Kemmer's Camp in September is full and we have a few trips planned for either Camps or Demonstrating. See you Soon!

Tuesday, April 30, 2024

Events for Summer 2024

 The Hook-In is fast approaching, May 14-18, 2024 and I just can't wait! As usual, because of the Hook-In we won't have another meeting in May. We won't be scheduling anything for August either since we have two rug Camps, Prairie Rose in Richardton, ND August 4-8, 2024 and Laurie Lawson here in Cody August 22-24, 2024.  

Now that the Powell Library is out of commission for quite awhile, we will be meeting in Cody at the Library in the Grizzly Room. Our dates are Saturday, June 22, and Friday July 19th.  I hope those work for everyone. 

Patty, Debra, and I will be demonstrating at the Wyoming Wool and Sheep Festival on July 13th this year in Thermopolis. Anyone wanting to come demo with us is welcome. It will be at the Fair Grounds. We received a lot of interest last year in Kemmerer so I hope to have as much interest this year. 

We will also be demonstrating in Riverton at the Fremont Fiber Festival on September 14th if anyone would like to join us there. It's indoors! I'm looking forward to going to this Festival for the first time and I'm sure the shopping will be wonderful!

Debra, Patty, and I are also going to Fredericksburg TX from Sept 22nd to Tricia Travis's Camp and the ATHA Texas Convention the first week in Sept so I'm not sure about us meting in September. For now, I'll say we won't get together but that's a ways away..

And now a parade of rugs since I haven't posted in quite awhile.

 This rug was done by Barb Hagler. It was color planned by Cathy Stephens.

These adorable chickens were hooked by Patty Tyrrell.

This was hooked by Debra Inglis. It is a Tricia Travis Pattern.

This was hooked by Debra Inglis. It is a Sally Kallin Design.

Max, hooked by Sylvia Gauthier. Pattern is from an ATHA Magazine.

Patty Tyrrell hooked this in class with Tricia Travis. I absolutely adore how this turned out.
Sailcloth Primitive was from an old magazine and hooked by Debra Inclis.

Steed Creek Designs is the pattern designer and hooked by Sylvia Gauthier

Snowmen by Faye Schilling, Cabin Creek Designs, hooked by Sylvia Gauthier/

Monday, July 3, 2023

First Wyoming Wool and Sheep Festival in Kemmerer

 The Wild West Rug Hookers attended the very first Wyoming Wool and Sheep Festival, which was in Kemmerer WY and we had a BLAST! 

I was setting up my frame but I was so busy I never had a chance to hook. The Debra Inglis, Patty Tyrrell, and Catherine Buttrick demonstrated all day!
Here I am selling some of my hand dyed fiber and yarn. 
These adorable little girls and one more sister watch Debra hook for a long time. At one point they were all four on the ground watching how the hook grabs the wool. On of the girls was on Debra's shoulder watching long after the others left.
Catherine Butterick, our new ATHA Region 10 Rep and her husband John came from Idaho and demonstrated all day. She went home with a fleece.
This was before the day got started. It was such a great day and Kemmerer was a fun town for the Festival. It is tentatively planned for Thermopolis next year and hopefully we will be teaching a class. The trip was beautiful and the people were all wonderful!!!

Monday, January 16, 2023

Wild West Hook-In

 I can't believe I haven't posted on here in so long. I really dropped the ball!!

We are having another Hook-In this year and they are really growing. We will have 2 wool vendors this year and another vendor with other goodies as well as the yard sale table. It is from May 17-19, 2023 in Cody Wyoming. You are responsible for getting your own room. Debra Inglis can help you with that with a few places. So many bring their 5th wheels and motor homes or stay in Air B&B's.

Make checks out to Debra Inglis for a reserved seat. We provide a lot of snacks. There is so much to see and do in Cody, We have one of the most amazing Western Museums and we are only an hour away from Yellowstone National Park. The husbands enjoy it as much as the hookers do!

I hope you can make it!

Wednesday, November 24, 2021

Wild West Rug Hookers at the Polar Plant

 The Polar Plant, in Powell, is an art based Coffee Shop with the largest art supply store in Wyoming. It is a very fun, comfortable place to create or just have coffee with friends.

The Wild West Rug Hookers met there for the first time on Friday Nov. 19th but I know it won't be our last. Since we all travel at some point to meet it is a pretty central location.

This is the room we hooked in. A group of knitters came in and there was more than enough room and fun for everyone!

Patty has finished the rug she started at our Camp with Katie Hartner. She was binding it. It's so pretty!

I have been dyeing wool to sell so I brought what I have so far. I did sell some but now I need to learn how to photograph it so I can sell on Facebook. I'm hoping to have a wonderful selection to vend for our Hook-In in May 2022. 

             I bought this pattern at the ATHA Denver Biennial. It's been a fun design to work on. 

Some of my spot dyes.

Some of the colors.

More colors.

Barb Hagler started this adorable Snowman Family. SO Cute!

We had the best time!