Four of us came to hook together at the Park County Library on Saturday. We are so blessed to have such a wonderful group. Three of the ladies drive quite a ways just to hook for the day with friends.
Debra was whipping the edge of this stunning floral. I just love the colors she uses. It is obvious by looking at her rugs that she has a wealth of information from all the teachers she has had classes from. The design is called 1830 Floral and it's by Black Sheep Wool Designs.
Here is a stunning rug she is working on. I just couldn't get over how beautiful this rug is. We are so lucky to have Debra in our group. It is a pattern by Wooly Woolen called Cabin Fever.
This is called Texas Lulu by Pine Island Primitives that Debra hooked. It is hooked high and then the loops are cut. She uses a wide cut. It is so soft and plush that I want to make a lulu pillow.
Patty is moving along with her original dog camping rug. I am so impressed with Patty's talent for designing and hooking. Her story rugs are wonderful!
This is the New England Berry Tree I am working on. You can't see the background but it isn't as white as it looks. I have had a lot of fun with this rug.
We will all be demonstrating in Thermopolis WY on August 6th at the Big Horn Basin Folk Festival held in Hot Springs State Park. It is held in conjunction with the Thermopolis Pageant Days and The Gift of the Waters Pageant. If you are in the area, come by and visit. We will have a frame set up for everyone to try their had at rug hooking.
Wonderful show & tell - what a talented group of rug hookers! Thanks for sharing their pictures