Monday, December 2, 2019

November Rug Hooking

The Wild West Rug Hookers met in Cody at the Park County Library this month and we had a blast, as usual. One of our newest members drove all the way from Billings, Montana to visit and hook with us and we are so happy she did. Thank you Barb.

Barb made this adorable Christmas rug, her first! She is such a fabulous rug hooker.

 This is Barb's version of The Old Tattered Flag's pattern hooked with hand dyed fabric. The photo doesn't show how amazingly beautiful this rug really is!

 Debra finished her pumpkins from Woolley Fox. I love her little crow.

 Debra also finished this large Woolley Fox Stocking. It is just wonderful!

 Patty is moving right along with the rug she started at Prairie Rose. It's just so pretty!

 Sylvia finished her Theresa Rapstine runner. It is hooked in a 10 and matches the pillows she hooked a couple years ago.

 Sylvia finished her Halloween rug by Trish Travis from her kit she got in Denver at the ATHA Biennial.

 She also finished two pillows she had started earlier. Both are filled with wool snippets.

And last but not least Sylvia hooked this adorable Too Many Cookies she bought as a kit, which was such a great kit, from On his backside he has a pocket with a candy cane.
Our Christmas meeting will be in Shell WY. I hope you can join us!

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